1. Online. Check out our upcoming shows here and go to Event Details.
2. Over the phone. Call our box office at 703-237-0300 OR Freshtix at (678) 701-6114 9am to 6pm Monday through Friday and 10am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.
3. In person. Stop by the Box Office at 220 N Washington St. Falls Church
Monday: closed
PLEASE NOTE: Tickets purchased online and over the phone have the same service fees which vary depening on the ticket price. Tickets purchased in person have only a $1/ticket service fee regardless of ticket price and is the cheapest way to buy tickets.
Table reservations are available for the majority of our shows and are the only way to guarantee a seat.
Some tables are available on a first-come first-serve basis, so if you don’t make a dining reservation ahead of time, and you arrive early enough, you may be able to get one of these tables. They are located in the back of the room.
All ticket sales are final. No refunds. No exchanges. No exceptions.
The majority of shows at State are 18+ which means you must be 18 years of age or older to come in. If you are under 18, you can come but must be accompanied by YOUR parent (not your older sibling or your friend’s parent).
Some of our shows are 21 and up which means you must be 21 years of age or older to enter. Period.
And occasionally there will be an all ages show where all may attend.
Valid ID is always required to enter.
Age restrictions per show will always be listed on the show’s details page.
We accept all major credit cards.
When opening up a tab, either at a dining table or at one of the bars, your card will be pre-authorized in the amount of $5.
Need more info? Check out our FAQ page!
You can get FREE tickets by following us on Facebook and Twitter and our Newsletter. You can also get exclusive offers with free tickets by joining our street team and helping us get the word out about shows. Just emails to sign up!